Two teams from Ukraine embarked on an unbelievable journey to the 2022 Target USA CUP in Blaine,...
Returning volunteer field manager Elisabeth Hunt shares her experiences at Target USA CUP over the years. Thanks...
The producers of Target USA CUP will host a qualifying event August 25-27, 2022 at Regional Athletic...
Our final Face at the CUP is Claudia Sinclair! Claudia is a USA CUP Multimedia Content Creator...
Our Face at the CUP today is USA CUP Referee Nolan Kluempke! Nolan is an accomplished referee...
Wednesday July 14th was Kick Cancer Day at 2021 USA CUP! Watch to learn about what the...
Sami Krinsky, USA CUP Opening Ceremony and Awards Intern, is today’s Face at the CUP! Sami spills...
Follow along with USA CUP Media Corespondent Tim McNiff as he experiences pin trading for the first...
Emphasizing the international flavor of USA CUP has always been a top priority of all of us...
Target USA CUP participants take on…who?! Watch this 3v3 action to find out.
We know the new National Sports Center signage can be confusing. So, for your convenience, we put...
We asked teams participating in this year’s tournament to submit a video featuring players from their hometowns!...
403 teams took to the turf June 7-9 for the 2019 NSC All American Cup soccer tournament.