In their book, “Performing Under Pressure,” J.P. Pawliw-Fry and Hendrie Weisinger discuss the following three factors as...
The present moment is the only place where high performance lives, which is exactly why we need...
This week’s high performance power phrase is “I attack the process it takes me to reach my...
What is meditation, and what is mindfulness? According to professor and creator of the Stress Reduction Clinic...
We know this is difficult, but Cindra and Tim discuss why it’s so important.
I was on a plane to Las Vegas for business. No, seriously. We flew out of the...
Tim and Cindra explain how to become a Creator instead of a Victim. It’s easy to blame...
Martial artist, movie star and cultural icon Bruce Lee once said, “I fear not the man who...
Tim and Cindra discuss legendary sports psychologist Ken Ravizza’s Traffic Light Model. Ravizza is known for his...
When we choose to respond, not to react, we experience the world differently. This week, Tim and...
How do we defeat paralysis analysis? What is paralysis analysis? How does this concept relate to self-awareness?...
Did you see Cindra’s Beyond Grit practices mentioned on ESPN and Forbes last week? That’s right, Minnesota...