Jul. 8, BLAINE, Minn. – The National Sports Center is renting fields for youth and adult sports practices and games. Our facility is working in accord with the guidance provided by the Minnesota Department of Health. Below are specific parameters to support youth and adult sports in a way that will minimize the transmission of COVID-19. As we continue to bring groups onto our campus, we are looking to mitigate risk and reduce harm. Below are the guidelines for facility use.
- For practices, follow the MDH guidelines with a maximum number of 25 people in each pod (4 pods per field)
- For basketball and volleyball – maximum number of 25 people in a pod (1 pod)
- Make sure you’re in compliance with Safe Sport mandates (federal law)
- Remind parents or caregivers that they should not attend practices.
- We recommend wearing a mask when not playing
- Maintain social distancing at all times, except during game play
Guidelines – https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/coronavirus/sportsguide.pdf
FAQs – https://www.health.state.mn.us/diseases/coronavirus/sportsguidefaq.pdf
Guidelines for the National Sports Center facilities and fields can be found here: https://www.nscsports.org/covid19-plan
NSC Users – please note:
- No spectators are allowed at practices – players and coaches only
- Please wait in car until 15 minutes prior to practice time – no early admission
- Masks are recommended
- Spectators are allowed at games. Masks are recommended. Social distancing is required on the sidelines.
- Players, coaches and spectators should stay home if they feel ill or have a temperature