With COVID-19 travel restrictions, Target USA CUP is unable to accept any international teams in this year’s tournament. As we move forward with planning for the event, we will miss some of the event’s international flare.
As a way for international teams to participate in USA CUP, we are introducing the USA CUP International Sibling Team Program. Participating teams from around the United States have the opportunity to pair up with an international team that wants to participate in this year’s event but cannot attend in person due to COVID-19 restrictions. The paired teams will operate like brother or sister teams, meaning the U.S. team will represent their own identity as well as that of the international team they are paired with at the tournament.
International teams will have the opportunity to follow along with their sibling team throughout the tournament, and the U.S. team will represent the international team in the Opening Ceremony by dressing in their own team’s garb and garb that represents their sibling team’s country of origin. This may mean the U.S. team carries their own state flag as well as their international sibling team’s country flag in the Parade of Teams at the Opening Ceremony.
Sibling teams are also encouraged to participate in pin trading, which USA CUP will facilitate. We suggest participating teams following their sibling team on social media and watch any of their live streamed games during the tournament.
Not only is the USA CUP Sibling Team Program a way for international teams to participate in this year’s event, it’s also a way for the tournament to continue promoting international flare and for players, coaches and managers to form personal relationships with teams around the world.
If your team is interested in the USA CUP Sibling Program, please contact USA CUP Marketing and Media Professional Carlee Hackl via email, chackl@nscsports.org.
We look forward to another successful Target USA CUP and are counting down the days until the event.