If you’ve visited the National Sports Center campus in the past week, you may have noticed that construction is underway on the installation of new artificial turf fields on fields A3 and A4.
Here’s an update on what’s happening.
The contractor, Dimke Excavating, has removed the black dirt from the site, and piled it on one long pile in the middle of the field. Currently, they are trucking the black dirt over to the north side of the campus. That removal process should be completed by the end of the week.
That dirt will be replaced by a layer of sand, which is the necessary base layer under the new turf.
In a related piece of news, the Blaine City Council approved a conditional use permit amendment at its May 20 meeting to allow the installation of four 70-foot and two 80-foot light poles on the A3 and A4 site.
The lights will have LED lamps.
This cost of this field improvement project will be shared with the NSC and Spring Lake Park Schools. The School District will have priority use of the fields during the school day and during normal after-school hours. The NSC will take over usage during the evening, on weekends, and during large tournaments, including USA CUP.