The Minnesota Amateur Sports Commission is seeking proposals from interested communities to improve ice arenas. Minnesota communities will be eligible to be awarded grants for improving indoor air quality in ice arenas or eliminating R-22 refrigerant.
The production of R-22 was banned by the EPA in 2020. This program is to assist communities in the replacement of ice-making systems in existing public facilities that use R-22 as a refrigerant with systems that use an alternative non-ozone-depleting refrigerant.
Grants for indoor air quality improvements are intended to renovate or replace heating, ventilating, and/or air conditioning systems in existing indoor ice arenas whose ice resurfacing and ice edging equipment are not powered by electricity in order to reduce concentrations of carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide to protect the health of Minnesota youth athletes, patrons, and staff.
Applications must come from a local government unit (LGU), a political subdivision of the State. The LGU will be the fiscal agent for the grant funds and will execute the application form and resolution. Other entities can be the owner and/or operator of the ice arena, thus the beneficiary of the grant award. The grants are for reimbursement of costs for completed projects.
Grant types and amounts:
- Eliminating R-22 refrigerant for direct systems – communities may apply for up to $500,000 per ice center
- Eliminating R-22 refrigerant for indirect systems – communities may apply for up to $250,000 per ice center
- Improving indoor air quality – communities may apply for up to $25,000 per ice center
For complete program information and eligibility, visit our website HERE.
Proposals are due by Tuesday, February 13, 2024, no later than 5:00P.M.
Inquiries may be sent to Jayme Murphy at [email protected].