We are so excited to have international teams back and participating in Target USA CUP. Target USA CUP was initially modeled after Norway Cup, one of the world’s largest youth soccer tournaments which has been played annually since the 1970’s. The original name of Target USA CUP was the Sons of Norway USA CUP.
Norway Cup and Target USA CUP have developed a partnership, where two teams are selected from each tournament to participate in the other. Team RSA U18 from Richfield, MN and Kickers FC U16 from the Northwest Metro were selected to attend Norway Cup after Target USA CUP.
We had the chance to ask RSA U18 team manager, Elizabeth Lindow, and Kickers FC U16 team manager, Gordon Ferguson, about the teams and how they have prepared for the tournament.

kickers FC U16

has anyone on your team been to norway before?
RSA: “None of our players or coaches have traveled to Norway before.”
Kickers FC: “Nope.”
what are you all looking forward to most at norway cup?
RSA: “Other than a day trip to Hudson, Wisconsin, this team has never played out of state. The opportunity to travel to Norway is remarkable. We can’t wait to experience an international tournament, new city, sight see, meet new people, and try new food TOGETHER!”
Kickers FC: “The team being together and competing against new teams from another country. It’s a great international opportunity for all the boys.”
Have your teams done any fundraising for the tournament?
RSA: “We did several fundraisers to make this trip possible! Our team bagged groceries, had a bake sale, organized an Easter Egg scramble service and filled and delivered bundles of Easter eggs all over Richfield and Bloomington. Our main fundraiser was a Go Fund Me page. In addition to fundraising, parents and players volunteered at concession stands at Twins games, Loons games, Wild games and Saints games through Achieving Dreams to raise funds for the trip, and the girls worked more hours at their jobs. It has been a huge effort to make this trip possible!
Our team was featured by Fox 9 News this winter and as we watched the donations come through, the girls were overwhelmed with the support. Many in tears as our plans to travel became a reality. Nearly 400 donors supported our team and this trip of a lifetime. We are filled with gratitude!”
Kickers FC: “Yes. Truck washing and Cub food bagging.”
Do you have any interesting stories about your team?
RSA: “This team is really something special. Most of these girls have played for Richfield Soccer Association since elementary school and together on a competitive team since 3rd grade. RSA is a small club with typically only one team per age group. We don’t hold try-outs. There are never any cuts made to the team. RSA makes sure every player interested in playing soccer has a place to play in their community. The girls developed their soccer skills together and worked hard to improve their game over the years. Our first season in competitive soccer the girls lost big every game and now they finish at the top of their bracket every year. Many players are working nearly full-time, and/or taking care of siblings while they juggle schoolwork and sports. They work hard!”
Kickers FC: “We have a solid GK who is a great talent. The boys have been together for many years and earned the right also to travel to Norway. It’s been a fun journey and we’re really excited they get this once in a lifetime opportunity.”